Free Stuff

    Free HTML5 Validate.

  1. You're more than welcome to validate my websites. Browsers are very forgiving to programmers who write sloppy, outdated code. The browsers are smarter than most programmers and the bad code will work in many browsers often. Does your HTML sites pass the HTML5 code validation test? NO Download, It's Free! Just use it.
  2. Check your webpages with the HTML5 Validate Tool


    How to eliminate your electric bill for FREE for home owners

  4. I've worked for many energy companies and I have lowered and in some cases eliminated electrical bills if your using companies like: Xcel Energy, United Power, Black Hills Power and others. Did you know that many of you have other more affordable options for your utility company provider? Xcel has put you in higher rate plan but we can fix that if you call the number below.
    Start saving money on you utilitie bill if you're a home Owner.
    Make this call to let us help you.

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